Rails autoloading — how it works, and when it doesn't

Update, 2020-11-04

I’ve written an article about the workings of the new loader for Rails 6, Zeitwerk. It avoids all of the pitfalls described below and is much easier to understand, which really is fantastic.

Update, 2020-03-21

As of Rails 6, the autoloading framework used by Rails has been replaced with a new gem, zeitwerk. The below information remains relevant for Rails 5.x and lower, or Rails 6 apps using classic autoloading mode.

I’m really looking forward to reading into how zeitwerk werks; it sounds like it’s solved many (all?) of the troubles this post documents, so hats off to those who worked on it, principally Xavier Noria!

Original post

Rails is, in part, known and loved for its ease of initial development. A big part of the “wow!” factor of DHH’s famous blog demonstration, its conveniences lower the turnaround time between writing code and seeing the results in the browser. Two of the key features are:

Autoloading means we don’t ever have to write require, or worry too much about load paths; our classes are accessible from anywhere, so we can just refer to them directly and they’ll appear, as if by magic.1

Reloading means we can edit our code and see the results in our browser right away, without reloading our server. This means we can move much more quickly between the browser and editor, and comes almost as a free side-effect of autoloading2.

So what’s the problem?

I’m not going to address whether these features are good for our development practices. I happen to believe they’re both harmful, but that’s another article. Instead I’m going to talk about the significant complexity lying behind them, and the problems it can cause.

Before that, though, some background on Ruby’s constant lookup.

Ruby Constant Lookup

Constant lookup in Ruby is reasonably simple, once you know the rules, but it isn’t always totally intuitive. When you refer to a constant in a given lexical scope, that constant is searched for in:

  1. Each entry in Module.nesting
  2. Each entry in Module.nesting.first.ancestors
  3. Each entry in Object.ancestors if Module.nesting.first is nil or a module.

Loosely speaking, the search first works upwards through the nesting at the point of reference, then upwards through either the inheritance chain of the containing class (if there is one), or that of Object otherwise.

A good set of examples and a thorough explanation can be found at Conrad Irwin’s blog - for our purposes it’s sufficient to note that the following lookups perform differently, because they are made in differently-nested lexical scopes:

C = "At the top level"

module A
  C = "In A"

module A
  module B
    puts Module.nesting # => [A::B, A]
    puts C              # => "In A"

module A::B
  puts Module.nesting # => [A::B]
  puts C              # => "At the top level"

In the first example, because A is a member of Module.nesting, it can be searched for the constant C, so as A::C exists, it is returned. In the second example, A is not part of the nesting, so ::C is returned.

Loins suitably girded, let’s move on to the main topic:

Rails Constant Autoloading

Ruby has a built-in autoload feature3, which allows the programmer to specify the file location at which a given constant can be found. Ruby will then load that file when the constant is first referred to by the program.

Rails, however, autoloads arbitrary constants at runtime - even ones whose files didn’t exist when the app was started. It can’t simply use Ruby’s built-in autoload, because that needs to know both the name and file location of each constant up front, and Rails knows neither of these things at boot.

Instead, it implements its own autoload system, augmenting Ruby’s constant lookup with a set of inference rules specifying which files are expected to define a given constant name. These can be lazily loaded when the constant is first used.

But how does this work?

The autoload entry-point

Most Rubyists will be familiar with #method_missing, the method that is invoked when a message is sent to a receiver that does not respond to that message (they may also be familiar with the havoc that can be wreaked by its injudicious use).

It has a counterpart for constant lookup, Module#const_missing, which is invoked when a reference to a constant fails to be resolved:

module Foo
  def self.const_missing(name)
    puts "In #{self} looking for #{name}..."
> Foo::Bar
In Foo looking for Bar...
NameError: uninitialized constant Foo::Bar

When you refer to a constant, Ruby first attempts to find it according to its built-in lookup rules, described above. If no matching constant can be found, Module#const_missing is invoked - in the case of the example above, the call is Foo.const_missing("Bar").

This is where Rails takes over. Using a file lookup convention and its knowledge about which constants have already been loaded, Rails overrides #const_missing to load missing constants without the need for explicit require calls by the programmer.

File Lookup Rules

In contrast with Ruby’s autoload, which requires the location of each autoloaded constant to be specified in advance, Rails follows a simple convention that maps constant names to filenames. Nesting corresponds to directories, and constant names are underscored:

MyModule::SomeClass # => my_module/some_class.rb

For a given constant, this inferred filename is then searched for within a number of autoload paths, as determined by the autoload_paths configuration option. By default, Rails searches in all immediate subdirectories of the app/ directory, and additional paths can be added:

# config/application.rb
module MyApp
  class Application < Rails::Application
    config.autoload_paths << Rails.root.join("lib")

If autoload_paths is set to ["app/models", "lib"], a constant lookup for a constant User would look for:

Rails checks each of these locations in turn, and when one exists, it speculatively loads the file, watching the expected location of the new constant. If it appears after the file is loaded, the algorithm succeeds. Otherwise, an error is raised that may be familiar:

LoadError: Expected app/models/user.rb to define User

Nesting lookup

At this point, we’ve only seen how a single constant name maps to a single file name. But as we know, a constant reference in Ruby can resolve to a number of different constant definitions, which vary depending on the nesting in which the reference was made. How does Rails handle this?

The answer is, “partially”. As Module#const_missing passes no nesting information to the receiver, Rails does not know the nesting in which the reference was made, and it must make an assumption. For any reference to a constant Foo::Bar::Baz, it assumes the following:

module Foo
  module Bar
    Baz # Module.nesting => [Foo::Bar, Foo]

In other words, it assumes the maximum nesting possible for a given constant reference. The example reference is therefore treated exactly the same as the following:

Foo::Bar::Baz # Module.nesting => []

module Foo::Bar
  Baz # Module.nesting => [Foo::Bar]

While there’s been a significant loss of information, Rails does have some extra information it can use. It knows that Ruby failed to resolve this particular constant reference using its regular lookup, meaning that whatever constant it should refer to cannot be already loaded.

When Foo::Bar::Baz is referred to, then, Rails will attempt to load the following constants in turn, until it finds one that is already loaded:

As soon as an already-loaded constant Baz is encountered, Rails knows this cannot be the Baz it is looking for, and the algorithm raises a NameError.

This is, I think, the hardest part of the process to understand, and it’s one that leads to some highly counter-intuitive behaviour, of which we’ll see an example soon.

Putting it all together

We can now construct a sketch of how Rails autoloading works. (This doesn’t quite capture the full process, but it’s a good enough representation for the purposes of this article.)

An unloaded constant Foo::Bar::Baz is referenced. Ruby fails to resolve it, and calls Foo::Bar.const_missing("Baz"). Rails then:

  1. Looks within autoload_paths for foo/bar/baz.rb
  2. If a matching file is found, it is speculatively loaded:
    • If the correct constant is defined, it is returned
    • Otherwise, an error is raised
  3. If no matching file is found, it looks instead for Foo::Baz, then Baz, unless they are already defined
  4. If none of the candidate constants can be loaded, it raises a NameError

Rails has thus freed us from manually loading our code. It’s done so by employing several assumptions, however, which come at varying costs. Let’s take a look.

Rails autoloading pitfalls

For the sake of an already over-long post, I’m going to cover in detail just two of the ways Rails autoloading can trip us up. There are more, but these are illustrative of the sort of problems autoloading causes.

Lost nesting information

We’ve seen how the nesting in which a constant is referred to determines where it is looked for by Ruby. But we also saw that Rails doesn’t receive any nesting information, so is forced to guess at the intended constant, using an assumed nesting and knowledge of what’s already loaded.

Assume the following files exist in autoload_paths, and no constants are currently loaded:

# qux.rb
Qux = "I'm at the root!"

# foo.rb
module Foo

# foo/qux.rb
module Foo
  Qux = "I'm in Foo!"

# foo/bar.rb
class Foo::Bar
  def self.print_qux
    puts Qux

What does Foo::Bar.print_qux do?

In a normal ruby context, the reference to Qux within Foo::Bar could only resolve to Foo::Bar::Qux (which doesn’t exist), or ::Qux, so if we loaded the appropriate files we would see:

# Using normal ruby loading
> Foo::Bar.print_qux
I'm at the root!
=> nil

In an autoloaded context, things are rather different. The first time around, this happens:

# Using Rails autoloading
> Foo::Bar.print_qux
I'm in Foo!
=> nil

Why is this?

Well, Rails doesn’t know about the nesting Qux was referred to from. It knows only that Ruby has failed to resolve Qux to any constant. So it first looks for Foo::Bar::Qux, which does not exist.

It then checks whether a constant Foo::Qux is already loaded. It is not, so it attempts to load it, and because foo/qux.rb exists and defines an apparently-correct constant, it succeeds. Our pre-existing knowledge about Ruby constant lookup has thus been subverted - we’ve loaded a constant that the nesting would not normally permit.

But did I just say “the first time around”? I certainly did, which leads to our second pitfall:

Load order dependence

If constants are loaded only when they’re first encountered at runtime, then by necessity their load order depends on the individual execution path. This can mean that the same constant reference resolves to different constant definitions in two runs of the same code. Worse still, the same constant reference twice in a row can give different results.

Let’s go back to our last example. What happens if we call .print_qux twice?

> Foo::Bar.print_qux
I'm in Foo!
=> nil
> Foo::Bar.print_qux
NameError: uninitialized constant Foo::Bar::Qux

This is disastrous! First we’ve been given the wrong result, and then we’ve been incorrectly told that the constant we referred to doesn’t exist. What on earth led to this?

The first time, as before, is down to the loss of nesting information. Rails can’t know that Foo::Qux isn’t what we’re after, so once it realises that Foo::Bar::Qux does not exist, it happily loads it.

The second time, however, Foo::Qux is already loaded. So our reference can’t have been to that constant, otherwise Ruby would have resolved it, and autoloading would never have been invoked. So the lookup terminates with a NameError, even though our reference could (and should) have resolved to the as-yet-unloaded ::Qux.

We can fix this by referring to ::Qux first, ensuring that it’s loaded for Ruby to resolve the reference:

> Qux
=> "I'm at the root!"
> Foo::Bar.print_qux
I'm at the root!
=> nil
> Foo::Bar.print_qux
I'm at the root!
=> nil

A funny thing has happened here. In order to get correct behaviour, we deliberately loaded the constant we needed before we used it (albeit indirectly, by referring to it, rather than loading the file that defined it).

But wait; isn’t this suspiciously close to explicitly loading our dependencies with require, the very thing autoloading was supposed to save us from?

To be fair, we could also have fixed the issue by fully qualifying all of our constant references, i.e. making sure that within .print_qux we referred to ::Qux and not the ambiguous Qux. But this still costs us our existing intuitions about Ruby’s behaviour. Moreover, without intimate knowledge of the autoloading process, we would have been hard pressed to deduce that this was necessary.

Other pitfalls

These are only a couple of the potential problems. Things get worse in the gap between development and production, as in production Rails eagerly loads certain paths. This alters the load order, which as we’ve seen has the potential to change the meaning of constant references.

More potential problems lurk if you reopen class or module definitions - again, depending on load order, these could end up treated as the main definition, preventing autoloading from finding the “real” definition. And again, depending on execution path, you can end up with completely different behaviour.

Final thoughts

Rails autoloading is supposed to provide simplicity. Ostensibly, we’re freed from thinking about load paths and where our dependencies come from, and can just get on with using the code that we write. Until, that is, we hit trouble.

It’s at this point that the trade-off between convenience and complexity starts to bite. In the examples I’ve shown above, a decent grounding in Ruby’s constant lookup was not sufficient to understand the problem. We needed a deep understanding of Rails’ autoloading system to understand what was going wrong. Far from providing simplicity, this supposed convenience has markedly increased our cognitive load.

So what have we really gained? Certainly, we have to restart our development server less often. But we haven’t been freed from knowing about loading. On the contrary: we’ve been forced to face baffling bugs, and have had to delve far more deeply into the specifics of code loading than we ever did before. Perhaps, because we always had autoloading as a crutch, our existing knowledge has atrophied – or never even developed – putting us at an even greater disadvantage.

As with so many of Rails’ conveniences, autoloading removes a barrier to entry, and that’s a worthy goal. The more I wrestle with it, though, the more I think it’s something I’d prefer to avoid.

  1. More than that, Rails automatically loads all of our gems for us, so we don’t even have to explicitly load other people’s code. Reasons this might not be such a swell idea are covered by Myron Marston on his blog

  2. Autoloading tracks what is autoloaded as part of its basic operation. All reloading then requires is to keep an eye on changes to the filesystem, and unload everything if a file has been written to. Autoloading then just reloads it all. 

  3. Although it may not have it much longer… 

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